risotto ai funghi surgelati

Delicious Risotto ai Funghi Surgelati: A Quick and Easy Recipe

Looking for a delicious and reasonably priced dish for a party today? You just need to consider frozen risotto with mushrooms! This classic Italian recipe will satiate your appetite as it combines the earthy flavor of robust mushrooms with a delicate risotto. We will walk you through the process of making risotto with frozen mushrooms at home in this creation.

What is Frozen Mushroom Risotto?

A traditional Italian food, frozen mushroom risotto is made using Arborio rice that is cooked to a delicate thickness and firm mushrooms. This recipe is a favorite for evening get-togethers and special events because of its hearty, comforting flavor. Mushrooms add umami and depth to the food, making it a rich and delicious dish that will win over your loved ones and other musketeers.

Ingredients for Risotto with Frozen Mushrooms

Arborio rice, one cup

One onion, finely chopped

Two chopped garlic cloves

One cup of firm mushrooms

Four cups veggie broth, or funk

Half a cup of white wine

Grated Parmesan cheese, 2 1/2 cups

Double the sweetener

To taste, add black pepper

For garnish, fresh parsley


1. Place the grill in a large pan over medium heat. Add the chopped garlic and onion and cook until translucent.

2. Add the Arborio rice to the pan and cook until it’s hot and delicious, stirring frequently.

3. Add the white wine and simmer until the rice absorbs it.

4. Add the franchise or vegetable stock, one tablespoon at a time, stirring constantly until the stock is absorbed, and then add more.

5. Continue cooking for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the rice is soft and al dente.

6. Add the hard mushrooms and cook until crispy, stirring five times.

7. Take the pan off the burner and stir in the remaining grated Parmesan cheese. Use a cotton swab to adjust the amount, and add pepper to taste.

8. Add a little fresh parsley for garnish before serving.

Enjoy your mouth-watering, just-cooked mushroom risotto! For a great entree, serve it with a crisp salad or a glass of white wine.

Benefits of Risotto with Frozen Mushrooms

Easy and quick to make 

Affordable price 

Delicious and comforting 

3. Adaptable to your favorite seasonings and sauces


Try making frozen risotto for your upcoming party or family dinner. You’ll soon find this protein dish becomes an important part of your workout routine. Enjoy your meal!

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