React JS Interview Questions: Ace Your Next Tech Interview

Are you worried about the questions to be asked while preparing for a React JS interview? Rest assured—we’ve got you covered! We will discuss some React JS interview questions in this post, which you might find useful. So, let us help you ace the interview while staying stress-free!

Explain React JS.

A JavaScript library called React JS is used to create user interfaces. It makes the process of establishing interactions with the accommodating workforce more successful and efficient by enabling developers to create user interface solutions.

Why is React JS so popular?

Due to the ease of use, great performance, and versatility of React JS, it has become increasingly popular among developers. It follows native architecture, which facilitates code maintenance and updates. Moreover, quick simulation of UI apps is made possible by React’s virtual DOM, which improves overall efficiency.

What are the primary features of React JS?

1. Resource-oriented architecture: The architecture of React JS is resource-oriented, which enables developers to design reusable user interface components.

2. Virtual DOM: By rendering only the elements that have changed, React’s virtual DOM enables efficient UI updates. JSX: A syntax extension that makes it possible for developers to write HTML code in JavaScript, JSX facilitates the creation of user-generated content.

3. One-way data connection: It helps maintain the integrity of the application state by ensuring that data flows in a single path through the responses that follow it.

What differentiates a property from a state in React JS?

1. State: State is a pre-built React object that contains special data and controls the appearance and functionality of a component. The state function can be used to update the state. 

2. Props: In React, props — short for component — are used to transfer data from parent to child component. Children’s resources cannot be altered, and the application is read-only.

Can you elaborate on the React JS lifecycle concept?

Developers can code with JS React components at a certain stage of the component lifecycle, thanks to their lifecycle methods. componentsDidMount, componentsDidUpdate, and componentsWillUnmount are some common lifecycle methods used when something is installed, updated, or uninstalled, respectively.

How should a control form be completed?

React uses control elements to handle form input. Form elements whose value is determined by the React state are called controlled components. This gives developers full control over the behavior of form inputs.


Preparing for a React JS interview can be intimidating, but with the right information and preparation, you can answer any question with confidence. You can be well-prepared for your next job interview by improving your coding skills and becoming familiar with basic React JS ideas. Best of luck to you!

react js interview questions

React.js 2024: Everything You Need to Know


Due to its efficiency, simplicity, and adaptability, React.js has become one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. Developers should strongly consider using it. Preparing for React.js interviews with relevant and creative questions is important as there is a growing need for React.js engineers. We have compiled a comprehensive collection of React.js interview questions for 2024 in this post so that you can ace your next interview and demonstrate your expertise with this powerful library.

1. What is the purpose of using React.js?

– This quiz assesses your knowledge of the basics of React.js and explains why front-end developers love it. Make sure to bring up React.js’ virtual DOM, return values, and component-based design.

2. What are the primary features of React.js?

– Talk about important features like components, virtual DOM, one-way data binding, JSX (JavaScript XML), and the React ecosystem.

3. Describe the difference between an object and a class in React.

– Describe how properties and classes differ in terms of syntax, lifetime, state management, and performance implications.

4. Describe JSX and React and explain their importance.

Describe how JSX lets developers create dynamic and interactive features by enabling them to write HTML and JavaScript.

5. What are React properties and how are they used?

– Describe how objects help generate reusable and reusable properties and how they are used to transfer data from parent properties to child properties.

6. Explain what state is in React and how it differs from validation.

– Explain how the state handles defined data and highlight the difference between React’s props and state.

7. How are class components and React hooks different from each other?

– Talk about the benefits of using hooks, such as useState and useEffect, and how they make it easier to manage states and effects around functional components.

8. How does React handle redirects?

– Explain how React Router lets developers switch between different views in a React application and how it provides a specification for single-page applications.

9. What is virtual DOM in React and how does it improve performance?

– Explain how React’s virtual DOM, which updates only the relevant parts of the DOM, reduces browser control and improves performance

10. What can be done to improve the performance of React apps?

– Talk about ways to make React apps run better, such as code splitting, shouldComponentUpdate, lazy loading, and recall.


To succeed in React.js interviews, you need to familiarize yourself with the library’s principles, features, and best practices. Get familiar with these React.js interview questions for 2024 so you are ready to prove your abilities and land your next job as a React.js developer. Best of luck to you!

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